Well, This is THE Day. The first day of my new schedule . Resigning from my job was one of the toughest decisions for me to make. Not that I didn’t clearly hear from God before I went through with it, you’d just have to know how much I loved my career and how much drive I had professionally. A nurse by training, I had gotten far from the bedside and was working as Director of Regulatory Affairs at the hospital here. I wanted to be CEO of the place for crying out loud! However, the past months have been really hard. I had this longing to be at home with the girls and in a position to support Keith and his career more. After much deliberation, I resigned (almost a month ago now).
I must admit I think I’ve been manic the past week with so much excitement and apparently adrenaline. Keith will confirm I have never stayed up past 9 since he’s known me and the past 3 nights I went to bed between 12 and 1p!! And, still get up between 5 & 6. Scary! I will probably crash sometime. However, for now… So many people are like, “What are you going to do now that you have this time off?” Are they serious?? I have 2 kiddos under 3. Need I say more?? Seriously, I had no official plans for my days off-just want to enjoy the nothingness. With all that said, here’s how the day went:
6a- Wake up, Quiet time & a cup of coffee, long deep talk on the phone with mom, Get Emma up and dressed
8a-Drop Em off at preschool (Today went very well. I was surprised she didn’t insist we take Lilly Kate to her class first which would’ve been problematic as she’s staying home with me. Then Lilly Kate and I are off to meet the HMWC (Hot Mamma Walking Club :). Those girls ran circles around me! Really, it’s my fault b/c I gave them grief the other night when they said it takes them 45 minutes to walk 2 miles. Of course, I’ll eat my words. I should have known considering I despise cardiovascular exercise (well, any exercise for that matter).
9:30- Home and enjoyed my breakfast –leftovers from Prather’s dedication brunch. Hey, it is a REAL treat to be the Reaves neighbors! When they cook they “show out!” I am talking shrimp & grits, breakfast casserole, cinnamon rolls, homemade biscuits+ham, French toast & strawberries… Yep, yummy! Thanks Joanna!! Fed Lilly Kate her breakfast & played while talking to Keith on the phone (I wondered how man y times he’d call today :)
10:30 Rocked Lilly Kate to sleep. Started this blog.
I really have no idea what I did the rest of this day :O) I never finished this post, but decided to post it anyway.
So.. not all that much Nothingness but a very enjoyed day nonetheless! Bliss! -