
Ok, since I have already proven to post random things. Let's add this to the mix.
I have a few questions for you (with no apparent relationship to the other). You can reply anonymously if you'd like.
1. Will my wool rug ever stop shedding? I think it is worse than my Himalayan cat I once had.
2. Do you have a vacuum that you love? My Eureka from Target is sorry and I want to throw it into the back yard most days!
3. Lilly Kate is graduating up to a big girl carseat. Do you have a recommendation? Don't say Britax- we're on a budget, remember!
4. We need a new camera. Suggestions?? Specific features you wish yours had? We looked at DSR(?)'s at BestBuy this weekend. They are so heavy and bulky (and pricey!).
5. Lilly Kate (10mos) will not eat anything!! but her stage 1&2 babyfood. She has a severe gag reflex and I am worried (of course). Dr. said no rush and not to worry, but all kids I know this age are eating everything. KB, I tried the Mum Mums and yep -she gagged. Need encouragement, were any of yours "late" eaters?


Brandy said…
Hi! I found your site on Ali's. Your girls are too cute! I love the fabric from your previous post and I would love to sew too! I have a great Janome sewing machine-still in the box! If you ever want to "learn" together let me know!
Hey Ashleigh - so glad you found my blog and I love yours...your girls are precious! Don't know the answers to any of the child-related questions yet...but as for the vacuum cleaner, I hear that Dyson's are the best - but they are pricey and definitely not budget friendly! :) Good luck with your search and hope to see ya'll the next time we are in Auburn! i am going to put a link to your blog on mine - if that is okay with you!
p.s. tell keith that Robert says hey...i showed him ya'lls blog and the Barron's - and he was laughing at Keith and Will being on a blog until he saw ours and realized that his life was now being documented too! :)
Leah said…
I know how you feel with the gag reflex. laura katherine had reflux really bad and had to take prevacid for 6 months. She would never eat baby food though so I guess I had the opposite problem your having. I do know that when Laura katherine started walking her reflux and gagging went away.I think being upright helped. don't worry, Lily Kate will be fine. There were a few times I thought Laura Katherine would starve to death because she couldn't keep anything down.
ok, we have the graco comfort sport and it is great! its only $70 so we could get one for both cars and was on the consumer reports top 5 carseats along with britax...has a cupholder and very safe and easy to use. and mary evans still eats baby food and not much real b/c of her constipation issues and they told me she could eat it till 2 and it was fine-she's growing on real food so don't worry! she wouldn't eat baby food till 8 she's been a late eater:) love the dress! you'll have to make mary evans one:) mag
The Muncies said…
I can only help with the food! We're doing lots of random things these days, but the doctor said that really doesn't matter. I'm trying to get Kirkley to eat everything -- in the past few days, she's tried artichoke hearts and olives from my salad, salmon, cupcakes (only since it was her bday:), but we still try all of that stuff along with 3-4 jars of stage 2 foods a day! Plus she only has 2 teeth. I'm trying to expose her to lots and hope for a nonpicky, healthy eater! I'm sure she'll only want chicken nuggets because of all of my efforts...
For the vacuum and I am hesistant to post this since you mentioned the budget, but if you consider that even if you do buy a one to two hundred say Hoover every few would have more than paid for mine! I have a Meila (german I think) and it is great. It is a canister vac, which I wanted since they work great with hardwoods and also have another attachment for carpets. I bought it about a year after we were married (almost five years ago) and it should last me another fifteen to twenty if I take care of it. There are many different models, mine is middle grade I believe and it cost about $400. I bought it in Montgomery because no one sells that brand in AU. You are welcome to try mine if you want. Anyway, I have also heard that Electrolux are great and comparable as well.
thebarronfam said… you have to update my blog. Yours looks great!
I have an Electrolux and LOVE it. It's great on carpet and hardwood. I highly recommed but again - on the budget thing, that's really not in the price range. But it does a great job. As far as food - my baby is on a carb diet these days...She's going to turn into a big fat cheerio!!!One thing she does like is the broccli (sp?) and cheese from the frozen section. I think it's Birdseye and comes in individual packs. I'll tell you this - she's on ALL table food and I know she's not getting what she needs b/c it's virtually impossible when they are at this age. I'll send any new ideas your way. Good luck!
P.S. Oatmeal (the variety pack with less sugar) would be an idea for breakfast with a banana.
Joanna said…
Borrow my Electrolux and you will never go back. I have had mine since COLLEGE and it is incredible! I would also like for you to try my Canon camera out. Yes, it may be a little pricey but explain to Dr. Keith that it is AN INVESTMENT to document memories for a lifetime.... that one worked on Dave!