Well, we finished our 12 week Financial Peace University course w/ Dave Ramsey! We learned some good stuff. Much of it we already knew but if you know Dave he motivates you to put what you know into action & calls you selfish, ignorant, low down.. if you don't! Well, not exactly that but close. He is very motivational. So.. where are we now?? We are winding down our first month on the envelopes and on baby step 2 or 3 (really not sure). It is hard. I'll be honest: I hate the envelopes (don't tell K- I try not to complain and am truly thankful that I have a husband who feels financial peace is a priority)! I have been struggling with being selfish in alot of ways lately and these stinkin evelopes (Dave's whole program)really force you to begin learning to tell yourself "NO" when you want something. For example, Cutie Pie had the cutest matching crab smocked bathing suits I wanted but I didn't have 105$ in my envelope. I think I spent all my "blow" money the first night I got my envelopes and then took half of it back due to buyers remorse. I am truly a work in progress. I am comitted (I promise) just struggling. I love to shop. I really love to shop. I will be finding a new hobby!
"If you don't want to be in a position in your retirement where you are forced to get your recipes from "101 Ways to Cook With Alpo" I recommend you attend FPU or read his popular book Total Money Makeover. Dave says, If you'll just live like no one else then later you can live like no one else "
Also, I can tell ya'll must watch a lot of Little Einsteins at your house too! That's why we went to the lake last weekend just to get away from it (or really so Mama didn't have to hear it). He's got the DVD too, but it didn't come along with us :) He is truly addicted to it.