Sorry I failed to tell you that we've got a walker! Little Miss LK is all over the place and so proud of her new independence. I am having a hard time keeping her still. She's also talking all the time (well sort of). She can say a few words but jibbers and points constantly. I think she's even saying "Mine." Interesting b/c despite the girls fights over toys- I don't think Emma says mine that often. Who knows??
You are not seeing things!! My prissy, girly Emma has held a fish without even squirming and Now this.... She is digging worms up in our backyard! For a while now she has been asking for a real animal of her own (which we have NO intention of getting. Sorry pet lovers, we already have our "full of hands"). The other day she found a worm, but quickly lost him. All week she told me that she wanted him to be her pet. I told her that if she found him he could be our pet (Knowing she would not find him). Lo' and Behold- Today while Keith and I were weeding, she found TWO worms & immediately began meticulously planning their new home. So.. as you can see "Barney Boo & Taco" have a humble new abode! She kept wanting to water them. :)

*Although she is dirty that is a paw print on her cheek from last nights downtown art festival (not dirt:))
You are not seeing things!! My prissy, girly Emma has held a fish without even squirming and Now this.... She is digging worms up in our backyard! For a while now she has been asking for a real animal of her own (which we have NO intention of getting. Sorry pet lovers, we already have our "full of hands"). The other day she found a worm, but quickly lost him. All week she told me that she wanted him to be her pet. I told her that if she found him he could be our pet (Knowing she would not find him). Lo' and Behold- Today while Keith and I were weeding, she found TWO worms & immediately began meticulously planning their new home. So.. as you can see "Barney Boo & Taco" have a humble new abode! She kept wanting to water them. :)

*Although she is dirty that is a paw print on her cheek from last nights downtown art festival (not dirt:))