ME & My sweet MOMMA
Last weekend mom & I had a mother/daughter weekend away and attended the Deeper Still Conference in Atlanta. We did some serious eating (well tried, due to the volume of women there we were more succesful at times (when we had reservations) than others) and some light shopping in Virginia Highland. Thanks for the tips Tara! Murphy's was yummy :)
As much as I love eating & shopping, it was really neat to be able to attend this event with mom! She is the one who introduced me to Christ & prayed with me as long as I can remember. Mom, THANK YOU for living out your faith, & for showing me the joy, peace and contentment comes from a relationship with HIM. I hope that my girls see in me the kind of mom I was blessed to see in you!:)
Video from the conference. Probably more than you want to watch (we aren't in it :), but I think it depicts how SpiritFilled the place was & what a "hoot" Kay Arthur (at 74!!), Beth Moore & Priscilla Shirer were!
DeeperStill - Atlanta from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.
If you ever get the chance to attend one of these conferences, I recommend it!!