UDC goes to GA Aquarium

Emma's preschool class went to the GA Aquarium. Total chaos! A bunch of 3 year olds. The kids had a blast though. Funny trying to explain to Em what a field trip was. Avery & mom Brooke rode their with us and after we left they played in the playground in Centennial Park. When we were driving home, I asked the girls "What was your favorite thing we did/saw today?" They both screamed, THE PLAYGROUND! Go figure.. we drove 4 hrs round trip and spent $$$, their favorite thing was the playground :)


Tara said…
Cute pics! I have been thinking about taking Brooks there but was wondering if he was too young. It looks fun though!
The Muncies said…
That is hilarious that the playground was her fave!!! Cracking up! So fun to get to do that though!