I love bread! I make mental notes on the restaurants that serve yummy bread. Make it warm and mushy with an herb butter and I'm there. Of course, this little love is not very good for the waistline. I'm not watching mine right now anyway, right? Well, I gained a ton of weight with Em and LK and I have said that after my gym kick and losing all that weight, I would not gain that much this time. So the fact that I got
this book, that everyone's already talked about on their blogs, is not helping the cause. I went to BAM yesterday and had a blast picking out a few new books (thanks Mrs T!). When I got home I read this book cover to cover and was dying to get in the kitchen.
Ok, this is my first loaf that i've made using the "discovery that revolutionizes home baking." I'm dissappointed in the appearance. It was suppose to look like the loaf on the cover. Despite its puny appearance, the taste is really pretty good. I like the nice crunchy crust and soft mushy inside. The book also claims that "soon the bread will be making itself." That hasn't happened either (probably a good thing :). Although, the author does give you lots of tips to help you avoid the baking mishaps that you may have experienced before. I am not giving up and will try to report back if I make more. I think that this particular bread would be even more yummy with like rosemary and parmesan in it. Maybe i'll try that next time!
My mom has an amazing cream cheese bread recipe that she
makes usually makes around the holidays (and any other occassion she wants to make me especially happy). I cannot tell you how much I love this bread. It's your typical yeast bread with all the kneading and rising, so it's bit labor intensive, but the results are beyond scrumptious. I made some of it today too. Well, I mixed the dough- it's a two day process :O So, I'll try to post pictures of it and the recipe later.
As you can tell by a day of bread making, my sinus infection & morning sickness are gone. Thank goodness :)
I've read several (fine- a few dozen) health/ fitness/ diet books and the Eat Right for your Blood Type books advises me (blood type O) not to eat bread at all. So, I have thrown away that book- obviously.