HOTEL Thompson
For Emma's birthday, she asked that we go on a camping trip. Keith and I camped before kids but we had not gone as a family. Honestly, I was a little nervous about it. We had a blast! Seriously! It was such a nice vacation. Campbell went with us all day Friday and Keith's parents picked her up that night and took her for the weekend and brought her back Sunday for Emma's party.
It was really cold at night, but you can tell from these pics that we bundled the girls up, covered them with an electric blanket and had a heater inside the tent. We were prepared and stayed warm enough.
Feeding the ducks goldfish was really fun! When we got back home, Lilly Kate told me, "momma, I really miss my ducks!" :)
Note my cute hunting jacket in this picture! I forgot my jacket, which was not a good thing. My sweet husband let me borrow his.

We had time for fishing and crafting. The girls even held the minnows.
The girls made dolls out of pinecones. I loved it that they were playing so sweet and simple.

HaPPy BiRtHDaY SWEET Emma!! We love you to the moon and back sweet girl!
See- We ate pretty good! We ended every meal with smores on the fire. The girls played so hard during the day that the first night Lilly Kate asked if she could go to bed while we were making smores. I couldn't believe it.
Another fishing pic. Can you tell the fish were not biting? ha.

Hope all Birthday's we celebrate are as fun as this one! :)
For Emma's birthday, she asked that we go on a camping trip. Keith and I camped before kids but we had not gone as a family. Honestly, I was a little nervous about it. We had a blast! Seriously! It was such a nice vacation. Campbell went with us all day Friday and Keith's parents picked her up that night and took her for the weekend and brought her back Sunday for Emma's party.
HaPPy BiRtHDaY SWEET Emma!! We love you to the moon and back sweet girl!
Hope all Birthday's we celebrate are as fun as this one! :)