This pic was taken at my work shower last week. Of course, I do NOT love the pic but it is the only one I have.
Most of you know, but a few of my cyber friends haven't heard the news...
So, here's the update: I am 38+5 weeks (3cm dilated, -1 station, and 70% effaced as of my last MD visit), I have had every single symptom that would indicate labor is impending but... NO delivery. I didn't think I'd be as anxious for her to come as the other 2 but at times I am certain I am FAR more anxious. I am not nesting, I think that phase has past. I am exhausted and have little motivation to do any of the household chores that need to be done (not whining just keeping it real :) MD says he'd induce on Tuesday if she's not here by then. Mom is coming in town on Sunday! I joke with her that baby Campbell is waiting on her Gran Gran. We'll see. I'll post pics of sweet girl as soon as I meet her!
Oh yea, if she waits until Tuesday to come then I will have carried my 3rd longer than both of the other 2. So much for the 3rd coming early :O Looks like she already knows she's the baby and wants to hang on to momma as long as she can.